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Growing under the ground: scientists have discovered a new meat-eating plant


Scientists from the Czech Republic have discovered a new type of meat-eating plant, which differs from its relatives in that it grows pastures for comas not on the surface, but under the ground. This unique plant, named Nepenthes pudica, is native to Borneo in Indonesia.

Most of the growths remove life-giving substances from the soil and dormouse light. These deeds of growth, such as nepenthes and sundews, evolved to become hijaks. They stink modified leaves in order to catch comas and other creatures that excrete their life-giving substances. Nepenthes pudica is a type of nepenthes that causes glacier-like pastes to drip on the leaves. These pastes are lured by color and smell, and then crawl down the smooth walls, where they disappear at the sticky core. The protea of ​​Nepenthes pudica is distinguished by the fact that its pastes are not found on the leaf, but are spread under the ground. It has always been assumed that the plant will be more effective in the field for other creatures that live on the ground, such as ants, beetles and spiders.





At the time of the 2012 expedition, it was noted that some nepenthes in Borneo do not have above-ground pastas. They wondered what could be the reason. Having dug up the soil around these thickets, the investigators discovered a labyrinth of underground grasses that measured 11 centimeters at a time.

Many of these pastures have been found to have over-poisoned comas, which confirms the vigorous nature of Nepenthes pudica. Nepenthes pudica is not the first representative of the genus Nepenthes, which is capable of such adaptation.


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