On October 7-28, 2022, the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine together with the State Scientific and Technical Library of Ukraine in partnership with ORCID, Elsevier, Clarivate Analytics, Bentham Science, 4Science and other international organizations will hold the First International Conference 'Open Science and Innovation in Ukraine 2022'
Leading scientists, managers and responsible executors of scientific research topics, employees in the field of IT technologies, developers of scientific information platforms and systems, managers and employees of scientific libraries, managers of institutional repositories, publishers of scientific journals, graduate students and young scientists, project managers, heads of business incubators, co-organizers of startups, heads and members of library associations, scientists working on the development of research related to artificial intelligence.
Registration is open until September 19, according to the form.
The main directions of the conference correspond to the key tasks of the project of the National Action Plan for the implementation of the principles of Open Science by 2030, as well as the issues of open innovation:
The conference will be attended by international experts: the leadership of the Directorate of Science and Innovation of the European Commission, which is responsible for the formation of the open access policy, and the board of directors of the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC), which ensures the implementation of the open access policy. In addition, leading scientists and experts in the field of scientometrics, librarianship, open data and open science are among the speakers.
Abstracts for the conference proceedings are submitted in accordance with the terms and conditions listed on the
conference website at the link.
For additional information on participation in the conference, contact the email of the organizing committee: conference@dntb.gov.ua.
For reference
The implementation of the principles of open science in Ukraine is an important step in the implementation of the Agreement between Ukraine, on the one hand, and the European Union and the European Atomic Energy Community, on the other hand, on the participation of Ukraine in the Framework Program for Research and Innovation 'Horizon Europe' and the Research Program and training of the European nuclear energy community (2021–2025), complementary to the Framework Program for Research and Innovation 'Horizon Europe'.