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Creation of the ORCID consortium in Ukraine


In March 2021, the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and the international non-profit organization ORCID signed a memorandum of cooperation, which provides for work on improving the use of unique open identifiers of scientists (ORCID IDs) among Ukrainian scientists.

In the fall of 2022, during the Open Access Week events, the creation of the Ukrainian ORCID Consortium was officially announced.

The State Scientific and Technical Library (SST) of Ukraine is working on the implementation of the project in Ukraine with the support of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.

The creation of the ORCID consortium in Ukraine will ensure the possibility of uninterrupted information updates with the ORCID system, which is part of the aggregator in creating compatible research infrastructures by adopting and using reliable permanent identifiers and standard vocabularies, record formats and authentication methods to improve the quality of data in the collection, management, exchange and aggregation of research information.

Learn more about the Ukrainian consortium on the officialORCID website.

Information about ORCID in Ukraine on the DNTB website.

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