Art and Education was approved as a scientific specialized issue of Ukraine: the list No 1 of scientific specialized editions of Ukraine (Bulletin of the Higher Attestation Commission of Ukraine No 2 of 1997) and the list No 2 of scientific specialized editions of Ukraine (Bulletin of the Higher Attestation Commission of Ukraine № 5 of 1999).
Art and Education focuses on theory, history of art education, theory and methodology of education, methods of teaching music and art.
Art and Education presents the scientific and theoretical approaches, practical innovation in art pedagogy, art education in Ukraine and foreign countries (Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Poland, and Lithuania at al.) as well as experience of the best art teachers and teachers of artistic culture.
Since the founding of the journal, Masol Liudmyla, PhD, was an Editor-in-Chief (1996-2015). Nowadays she is a scientific chief and expert of the UNESCO Project of Arts Education in Ukraine, National Coordinator of the Web-Observatory on “Arts Education in the CIS countries”. During the period 1986-2015, Masol Liudmyla worked as a researcher of Laboratory of Aesthetic Education of the Institute of Problems of Education of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine. She wrote over 300 publications including the monograph “General Art Education: Theory and Practice", 30 books and more than 20 textbooks on art and artistic culture, Conception on artistic and aesthetic education of students approved by the Ministry of Education of Ukraine.
Art and Education was re-registered by the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine in 2015 (Certificate of Registration of print media Series KB, No 21388-11188 ПР of June 17, 2015).
Founders of the journal: the Institute of Problems of Education of the National Academy of Educational Sciences, the Institute of Gifted Child of the National Academy of Educational Sciences.
The editorial board of Art and Education is composed of 9 Doctors of Sciences including 8 Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences. Most of the editorial board members work at the institutes of the National Academy of Educational Sciences. Among the members of the editorial board, there are foreign scholars from Russia and Kazakhstan.
The editions of the journal are sent to the leading research libraries of Ukraine including the Central Scientific Library of Ukraine, the V. Suchomlynsky State Scientific and Pedagogical Library of Ukraine.