Дослідна експлуатація

Тетяна Сазонова

Основна інформація

Сазонова Тетяна Олександрівна





По батькові


Ім'я (англ.)


Прізвище (англ.)



Tetyana Oleksandrivna Sazonova, in 2003 graduated with honors from the Poltava State Agrarian Academy majoring in "Organizational Management" and obtained the qualification "Master of Management" TA №. 23477477.

Candidate of economic sciences since 2008. The dissertation was defended on March 5, 2008 in the specialized academic council of the Belotserkiv National Agrarian University, diploma DK№047039 dated July 2, 2008 was received.

The academic title of associate professor was awarded by the Department of Management of the Poltava State Agrarian Academy in 2012. The certificate of associate professor 12ДЦ#032758 was received.

From 2016 to 2022, she was the head of the Scientific and Methodological Council of the "Management" specialty, from 2022 to the present day, she is the head of the Council for the Quality of Higher Education of the "Management" specialty. On a systematic basis, he participates in the licensing and accreditation procedures of educational and professional programs in the specialty 073 Management. It is part of the working groups and support groups of two educational and professional programs of the specialty 073 Management. He is the guarantor of the educational and professional program Enterprise Management of the first (bachelor) level of higher education in the specialty 073 Management, which is implemented at the Poltava State Agrarian University.

Conducts research in the direction of fundamental research on current problems of social and humanitarian sciences (in accordance with the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated September 7, 20113 № 942 "On approval of the list of priority thematic areas of scientific research and scientific and technical development for the period until 2020"), which reveal the subject area through the substantiation of the theoretical, methodological and practical principles of management of the socio-economic sphere, competence-oriented management in the secondary and long-term perspectives.

Tetyana Oleksandrivna Sazonova is the head of the R&D Development Department of the "Management of Socio-Economic Development of the Agro-Food Sector of Ukraine" (state registration number 0118U005208); responsible executor of scientific research of the Poltava State Agrarian University on the topic "Management of national security in the face of globalization challenges: macro-, micro-, regional and industry levels" (state registration number 0118U005209).

On a systematic basis, he conducts joint scientific research with scientists, practitioners, representatives of the academic community, including foreign ones, takes an active part in international and all-Ukrainian scientific and practical, educational events.

She was one of the developers and speakers of the advanced training course for participants in the educational process in the field of knowledge 07 Management and administration "Soft skills: development of flexible metaskills in the educational process" (1.0 ECTS credit). He is the author and speaker of the All-Ukrainian Scientific and Pedagogical Advanced Training "Creative Approaches and Methods of Enhancing Educational Activity of Higher Education Applicants" (6.0 ECTS credits).Has more than 250 publications, of which more than 110 are of a scientific nature (scientific works published in domestic peer-reviewed specialist publications, NBD Scopus, Web of Science, international publications, monographs, including foreign ones) and 140 of an educational and methodological nature, 5 certificate of copyright registration for a scientific work.

Supervises dissertation research of graduate students. Actively involves students of higher education at the first-third levels of higher education in scientific and research activities. Under the leadership of Tetyana Oleksandrivna Sazonova, students of the first (bachelor's) and second (master's) levels of higher education received winning places in All-Ukrainian contests for student scientific works and All-Ukrainian contests for diploma theses.

He systematically undergoes advanced training, internships, and participates in the practice of academic mobility of scientific and pedagogical staff.

Successfully combines managerial, pedagogical, methodical and scientific activities. Takes an active part in the educational, scientific and volunteer activities of the University.

Сфера інтересів

кадрова політика, управління персоналом, командний менеджмент, тімбілдінг, управління проектами

Детальна інформація

Науковий ступінь

Доктор філософії

Вчене звання


Галузі досліджень і розробок за Фраскаті

5.2. Економіка і бізнес; 5.9. Інші суспільні науки;

Дані оновлено


Статистична інформація

Кількість записів про освіту


Кількість записів про місця роботи


Кількість записів про публікації


Кількість записів про проєкти



