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The problem is closer than it seems. Microplastics have been found in human brain samples


A new study has shown that on average 0.48% of the weight of the human brain is made up of tiny particles of plastic.

The researchers analyzed autopsy samples of human liver, kidney and frontal cortex taken from the Office of the Medical Examiner in Albuquerque, New Mexico, between 2016 and 2024. During this period, they found that the level of plasticity in every organ increased, but the most in the brain (50% in 8 years). The presence of plastic in recent brain samples was significantly higher than in liver and kidney, and 7–30 times higher than in other organs. 0.48% of the weight of the brain slices collected in 2024 consisted of microplastic particles. It is a piece less than 5 millimeters in size.

The most common plastic found in human bodies was polyethylene, a polymer commonly used to make plastic bags and bottles.

"The results show that micro- and nanoplastics selectively accumulate in the human brain, with concentrations increasing over time." Microplastics have been linked to a number of health problems, including neurological disorders. The researchers noted that increasing levels of microplastics over time are consistent with global increases in Alzheimer's disease and other dementia conditions.

“It's quite worrying. There is a lot more plastic in our brains than I could imagine and feel comfortable with. I don't know how much more plastic our brains can hold without it causing problems."


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