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The remains of a mammoth were found on the banks of the Dnieper in Zaporizhzhia


In Zaporizhzhia, a local resident found the bones of a mammoth on the banks of the Dnieper. They belong to a species of animals unique to the south of Ukraine - the mammoth.

Three weeks ago, while fishing, a local resident of Zaporozhye, Kostyantyn Nelipa, noticed several large bones: "I found bones in the water, near the shore. They look like stones, but it was clear that they were bones. I took a photo on my phone and moved on. I remembered that place, just. I started to think that maybe it's interesting to someone."

The man turned to Mykhailo Mulenko, the head of the Department of Protection of Historical, Archeological and Nature Monuments of the National Reserve "Khortytsia" and showed him the place where the remains lay.


During the examination of the bones, the researchers made the assumption that these are the remains of an animal of the mammoth fauna. Instead, paleontologists from Kyiv helped establish that the remains - the discovered right humerus, scapula and tibia - belong to the greatest mammoth.

"For Zaporizhzhia, this find is actually quite interesting and it can be said that it is a truly unique find that can help to understand how these animals migrated, whether they lived here, or perhaps these remains were simply brought by the glacier," said Mykhailo Mulenko.

According to him, this is the latest representative of the mammoth fauna that lived in the Northern Hemisphere: America, Europe, Asia, Siberia.


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