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The ship of the famous navigator Cook was found at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean


Archaeologists have found the remains of the ship of the famous Australian pioneer captain James Cook at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean near Newport, USA.

He used the "Endeavor" on voyages until 1771. The captain himself was killed by Hawaiian natives in 1779. Scientists have repeatedly called the wreckage of other ships "Endeavour", but now they are sure that this is Cook's real ship. It was on it that the captain explored the coasts of New Zealand and Australia. The famous ship was sold to a merchant who named it "Lord Sandwich". It was used as a whaling ship, later transporting slaves to America. In 1778, "Endeavour" was sunk along with 12 other English ships to block the entrance to the harbor for French ships that supported the American colonies in the war for independence from England, it is reported.

Captain Cook's ship is in bad shape. Scientists have announced the beginning of work on its purification and may be able to raise it to the surface. On February 14, 1779, English navigator James Cook died in a fight with local natives from the Hawaiian Islands. Locals killed and dismembered his body. During the third round-the-world trip, the navigator James Cook reached the Hawaiian Islands in 1778. Several thousand inhabitants of the Hawaiian islands accepted Cook as one of their gods. But every day the number of thefts committed by Hawaiians increased. The clashes that arose due to attempts to return the stolen goods became more and more heated.


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