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Competition of joint Ukrainian-Austrian research projects - 2024

The Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and the Austrian Agency for Education and Internationalization
End date
Oct. 25, 2024

The Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and the Austrian Agency for Education and Internationalization have announced a competition for joint Ukrainian-Austrian research projects for implementation in 2025-2026, which lasts until October 25, 2024.

About the competition announcement, Science Development Directorate_5086

The competition is open to any research groups of institutions of higher education, scientific institutions of both countries (hereinafter - higher education institutions/universities) in all scientific disciplines and thematic areas, including social and humanitarian sciences

Application submission

Submission of documents is carried out in the functional module of the National Electronic Scientific Information System (hereinafter - the System). Documents for participation in the Competition are submitted in electronic form with an imposed electronic signature, using the capabilities of the System in accordance with the provisions The procedure for the work of the National electronic scientific and information system, approved by the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated January 8, 2024 No. 10, registered in the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on March 5, 2024 under No. 323/41668.
The application form is filled out in the System in Ukrainian and English sequentially in one file (requirements for all points of the application are given in the application file (Appendix 1)).

The following scanned copies of the original documents in PDF format must also be attached to the completed application form

  • Cover letter. Requirements: on the letterhead of the applicant institution, addressed to the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, text in any form indicating the name of the joint project, priority direction, names and surnames of the Ukrainian and Austrian scientific supervisors, a list of attachments. It is necessary to note that the Ukrainian scientific supervisor works at the main place of work at the applicant's higher education institution/university and in the last 12 months at least 6 months was located and worked on the territory of Ukraine, as well as that research on the topic of the project is not financed from the state budget within the framework of other competitions .
  • Confirmation letter from the Austrian project manager partner. Requirements: on the letterhead of the partner institution, addressed to the head of the applicant's higher education institution/university, text in an arbitrary form indicating the name of the joint project, which must match the name of the project in the application form, the names and surnames of the Austrian and Ukrainian academic supervisors.
  • A document on the absence of restricted access information in the application and its attachments. Requirements: A document stating that the materials of the project proposal do not contain information with limited access, the text is in an arbitrary form.
  • CV of the Ukrainian and Austrian scientific leaders of the project. Requirements: the CV of a manager from Ukraine is drawn up in two languages ​​- Ukrainian and English, the CV of a manager from Austria is sufficient only in English.
  • Certificate of border crossing by the academic supervisor. The procedure for obtaining a border crossing certificate


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