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First training webinar on Research Metadata in ORCID and URIS Systems

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In 2020, work on the creation of the National Electronic Scientific Information System "URIS" began (hereinafter referred to as the System).

The main objective of the System is to integrate all data, information, procedures, and services necessary for scientists, research institutions, and higher education institutions in their research activities, thus making Ukrainian science more open and the work of domestic scientists more convenient.

Currently, 7 modules of the System are in pilot operation, and 5 more are under development.

To learn more about the System's Profile Module, its synchronization with ORCID profiles, and data correction in various profiles, join our first training webinar.

Topic: "Research Metadata in ORCID and URIS Systems"

Date: June 5 at 11:00 AM


  1. Research metadata in the ORCID system: How to properly format it?
  2. Profile Module in the National Electronic Scientific Information System "URIS": Content and correction.

Link to the meeting

Reference Information

The System's Profile Module was the first module developed in 2022 and is continuously being improved. The module collects aggregated data, ensures their verification by the institution, and facilitates their reuse. The module consists of the following profiles:

  • "Institution" Profile;
  • "Research Infrastructure" Profile;
  • "Scientists" Profile;
  • "Publications" Profile;
  • "Projects" Profile.

To ensure the integrity and reliability of scientific information, including the Profile Module, interaction mechanisms with various types of Persistent Identifiers (PIDs), such as ORCID, DOI, and ROR ID, are provided. This helps to avoid issues of duplicate information in different profiles.

At the same time, manual correction of information in profiles is possible in case of errors. To correct information in the "Scientists" profile, publication data in the "Publications" profile, and project data in the "Projects" profile, the following actions are required:

  1. Log in to the portal.
  2. Authorize using an electronic signature or BankID.
  3. Access your profile.
  4. Make the necessary corrections manually and save them.

To correct information or add new data about an institution in the "Institution" and/or "Research Infrastructure" profiles, the following actions are required:

  1. Contact the Responsible Person of the institution.
  2. If there is no Responsible Person:
    • Designate a Responsible Person within the institution,
    • Familiarize with the Public Contract,
    • Fill out the Accession Statement,
    • Send the signed Accession Statement to the State Scientific and Technical Library of Ukraine.

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