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III International Scientific and Practical Conference 'Library Development Strategies: From Idea to Implementation', April 9-13, 2024.


Ukrainian Library Association together with the Scientific and Technical Library named after G. I. Denysenko of the National Technical University of Ukraine 'Ihor Sikorskyi Kyiv Polytechnic Institute' is invited to participate in the III International Scientific and Practical Conference 'Library Development Strategies: From Idea to Realization'.

Dates: April 9-13, 2024.

Working languages: Ukrainian, English.

Venue: Scientific and technical library of KPI named after Igor Sikorsky.

Address: Ukraine, 03056, Kyiv, Beresteyskyi Ave., 37 L.

Format: Mixed: physical and remote (on Zoom).

Target audience: managers and leading specialists of libraries, information, educational and socio-cultural institutions, all interested in the development of libraries.

Topics of the conference:

  • Strategic management: modern approaches and tools.
  • Vision, values, and mission of the modern library.
  • Defining the boundaries of the library's activities, clients, and the value proposition of the library.
  • Development and implementation of the library development strategy.
  • Monitoring and evaluation of the implementation of the library strategy.
  • Statistics and evaluation of library performance.
  • Competencies of librarians in strategic management.
  • Development of library personnel as a strategic priority.


Registration until February 1, 2024 via the link:

Participation is free.

Within the framework of the Conference, a charity collection of funds is held for Ukrainian libraries that suffered during the full-scale invasion of the Russian Federation.

Travel, accommodation and meals are paid for by the participants. The organizing committee provides assistance in hotel reservations and formal invitation letters.

Payment of a charitable contribution in hryvnias according to details:

VGO Ukrainian Library Association

EDRPOU code is 21656118

r/y UA183209840000026007230080352

in JSC 'ProCreditBank'

MFO 320984

Purpose of payment: voluntary donation for Ukrainian libraries that suffered during the full-scale invasion of the Russian Federation _________(full name).

To pay a charitable contribution in euros, contact the Organizing Committee.


Only reports and speeches with theses that correspond to the theme of the conference are accepted. The organizing committee reserves the right to select speakers and materials for publication.


Terms of publication in the collection of materials of the scientific and practical conference (electronic edition): on the website

Texts of materials for publication should be sent by February 1, 2024 to the email address

The materials of the collection will be published on the official website of the Conference. The materials of the conference are distributed in accordance with Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0), which allows free access, use, and dissemination of research results, giving a correct reference to the author of the work.


The sponsorship package includes:

  • Conference Sponsor status.
  • Placement of the Sponsor's logo in the Conference program.
  • Placement of the Sponsor's logo and/or advertising banners on the Conference website.
  • Dissemination of information about the sponsor by means of the Conference promotional campaign in the media.
  • Placement of the Sponsor's advertising and information stand at the Conference venue.
  • Distribution of Sponsor's promotional materials among Conference participants.
  • Free participation in the Conference of Sponsor's representatives.


Svitlana Barabash, academic secretary of the NTB of KPI named after Igor Sikorsky.

Conference website:

+38 (044) 204 83 33 // +38 (098) 890 23 31 //

Exhibitions of publishing houses and book selling companies, demonstration of information resources, and project presentations will also be held during the Conference.

Other opportunities