The Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine (MESU) announces an additional call for applications from Collective Use Scientific Equipment Centers (CUSEC) for financial support from the state budget. The funding is aimed at the modernization of CUSECs, the development of their material and technical base, repair works, comprehensive technical maintenance of unique scientific equipment, and ensuring its uninterrupted operation.
This call continues the implementation of activities outlined in the Concept of the State Target Program for the Development of Research Infrastructures in Ukraine for the period until 2026, approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine on April 14, 2021, No. 322-r. The main goal of the initiative is to ensure that Ukrainian scientists can effectively use unique scientific equipment and minimize the risk of its loss due to unstable power supply caused by Russian aggression.
Key Areas of Funding:
Financial Terms:
The total budget amounts to 32,239.6 thousand UAH, which will be distributed among 21 CUSECs that did not participate in the first selection of 2024. The maximum funding per center is 1,500.0 thousand UAH. The financial support cannot be used for purchasing generators, fuel, or other high-pollution energy sources.
Mandatory Condition:
The participation of higher education institutions (HEIs) is mandatory, specifically covering costs for preparing project documentation for the installation of alternative power supply systems.
Implementation Deadlines:
The works on installing alternative power supply systems and modernizing equipment must be completed by October 1, 2025.
Application Review:
Applications will be processed by a special commission, formed by the MESU order No. 1022-24 of July 23, 2024. The results of the selection will be published on the official website of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.