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Webinar "Innovative approaches in the work of a modern library" to the All-Ukrainian Day of Libraries

State Scientific and Technical Library of Ukraine

The State Scientific and Technical Library of Ukraine invites you to participate in the open webinar "Innovative approaches in the work of a modern library", which will be held on September 30 (Monday), 2024.

The event is intended for librarians, scientific and scientific-pedagogical workers, publishers of magazines and books, readers and all those interested in the modernization and development of Ukrainian libraries.

Four speeches are scheduled during the webinar:

  1. The State Scientific and Technical Library of Ukraine in the digital environment: creation and development of electronic information resources.

Oleksandra MOSKALENKO, deputy director of library affairs of DNTB of Ukraine

  1. Improving open research information: the contribution of the State Scientific and Technical Library of Ukraine to the development of global open access initiatives.

Sofia ZHEREBCHUK, Head of the Department of European Integration and International Cooperation, DNTB of Ukraine

  1. Effective work with the contests module in the National Electronic Scientific Information System: practical tips and opportunities.

Margarita TSYURA, head of the comprehensive user service department of DNTB of Ukraine

  1. Deposit as a component of the process of preservation and reuse of open scientific (research) data.

Anna AFANASYEVA, chief librarian of the Department of Organization for the Preservation of Funds of DNTB of Ukraine

We are waiting for everyone on September 30 at 10.00

You can join the meeting by calling.

Meeting ID: 831 2619 8187

Passcode: 975079
We remind you that the All-Ukrainian Library Day was introduced in 1998 by the Decree of the President of Ukraine "On the establishment of the All-Ukrainian Library Day" of May 14, 1998 No. 471/98.


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