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The competition for joint awards of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and the Polish Academy of Sciences for the best results achieved by scientists of both Academies during joint research is announced

Оголошується конкурс спільних премій Національної академії наук України і Польської академії наук за найкращі результати, досягнуті вченими обох Академій під час спільних досліджень
National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and Polish Academy of Sciences
End date
Aug. 31, 2024

In accordance with the Agreement on awards of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and the Polish Academy of Sciences for important scientific results obtained in the course of joint research by scientists of the two countries, signed in Kyiv on April 2, 2013 and in Warsaw on April 8, 2013, a competition for joint awards of both Academies is announced for the best results achieved by scientists of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and the Polish Academy of Sciences during joint research.

Works or series of works on a single subject, which were jointly performed by a team of scientists from scientific institutions of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and the Polish Academy of Sciences during the last five years, can be submitted to the competition. The number of participants in joint projects submitted to the competition should not exceed five people from each side. The right to nominate works for awards is granted to scientific institutions of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, as well as active members and corresponding members of both Academies.

Applications for the competition are accepted in three nominations:

  • Physical, technical and mathematical sciences;
  • Chemical and biological sciences;
  • Social and humanitarian sciences.

Works (in electronic form in (word) doc. format on an electronic medium and in paper form in a cardboard folder with the title "Joint Prize of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and the Polish Academy of Sciences 2024" should be sent simultaneously to:

  • Ukrainian participants to the Department of International Relations of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine at the address: str. Volodymyrska 54, Kyiv 01601;
  • Polish participants to the Bureau of International Cooperation of the Polish Academy of Sciences at the address:Defilad Square 1, Palace of Culture and Science, Warsaw 00-901;
  • with the note "Joint prize of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and the Polish Academy of Sciences 2024".

Works submitted to the competition (in triplicate) must contain:

  • a reasoned scientific conclusion about the work, including an assessment of the results of joint research, their significance for science and practice;
  • information about the authors according to the attached form;
    Additional information about the competition can be obtained:

at the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine: Oleksandr Bilokon, phone: +38 044 239 65 43,

at PAS: Katarzyna Faustman, tel. +48 22 182 65 13,;

The deadline for submitting applications for the competition is August 31, 2024.

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